Frequently Asked Questions
about the Olympia Fields Country Club Historic Landmark Foundation
Why was the Foundation created?
A foundation is a legal entity that offers financial, fundraising and tax advantages for donors who wish to support its charitable goals.
The Olympia Fields Country Club Historic Landmark Preservation Foundation, Inc. (the Foundation) is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. Its status as a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization was approved by the Internal Revenue Service in 2016.
The Olympia Fields Country Club Historic Landmark Preservation Foundation, Inc. (the Foundation) is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes. Its status as a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization was approved by the Internal Revenue Service in 2016.
What is the mission of the Foundation?
The mission of the Foundation is to preserve and protect old and historic buildings in the Olympia Fields area, with particular focus on the Clubhouse of Olympia Fields Country Club. The Foundation’s efforts help to perpetuate the area’s architectural, historic and general cultural heritage.
Why does the Foundation focus on the Clubhouse at Olympia Fields Country Club?
Designed by noted architect George C. Nimmons and completed in 1924, OFCC’s Clubhouse has played a prominent role in the history of golf in the United States and in the social history of Chicago. Encompassing over 115,000 square feet, it was conceived as the largest structure of its kind in the world. The Clubhouse is recognized by the U.S. Department of the Interior as a National Historic Place and by the American Institute of Architects as one of the 150 “Top Places” in Illinois. It is the most prominent and architecturally significant building in Olympia Fields and its surrounding areas, recognized worldwide.
The Foundation supports the preservation and restoration of the historically significant spaces and exterior of the Clubhouse and, ultimately, if funds are available, other qualifying historic properties in and around Olympia Fields, Illinois., Qualifying preservation and restoration projects are evaluated utilizing the guidelines in The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties following submission of a grant application to the Foundation.
The Foundation supports the preservation and restoration of the historically significant spaces and exterior of the Clubhouse and, ultimately, if funds are available, other qualifying historic properties in and around Olympia Fields, Illinois., Qualifying preservation and restoration projects are evaluated utilizing the guidelines in The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties following submission of a grant application to the Foundation.
What have past funds been allocated to?
During 2018 - 2019, the support we received contributed to the following Historic Landmark Foundation Projects:
The greatest of all the improvements and restoration-to-date is the resurrection of the windows in the Normandy Room. After much work and care, we are able to enjoy these beautiful windows and the gorgeous light that they afford the grand Normandy Room – just as the original architecture and vision was intended. Many other projects were no small tasks as each have provided very needed improvement.
The greatest of all the improvements and restoration-to-date is the resurrection of the windows in the Normandy Room. After much work and care, we are able to enjoy these beautiful windows and the gorgeous light that they afford the grand Normandy Room – just as the original architecture and vision was intended. Many other projects were no small tasks as each have provided very needed improvement.
- Normandy Room Windows
- Pavilion Roof
- Pavilion Windows
- Clock Tower Roof
- Clock Tower Exterior
- 1915 Roof
- 73rd Hole Fireplace
- Vault Windows
- Men’s Locker Room Roof
- Chimney Tuck Point
What are the Foundation's educational goals?
The Foundations’ purpose, functions and activities as a public charity will serve the educational desires of the general public by restoring and preserving architecturally significant properties of the Olympia Fields area to be enjoyed, viewed and studied by future generations.
The Foundation conducts public architectural tours at scheduled times throughout the year. Tours of the iconic Clubhouse at OFCC are available by appointment only, at 10am on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from April through November.
If you would like to participate in a tour please email your request at least one week in advance of your visit to [email protected].
See the Education tab of this website for further information.
The Foundation conducts public architectural tours at scheduled times throughout the year. Tours of the iconic Clubhouse at OFCC are available by appointment only, at 10am on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from April through November.
If you would like to participate in a tour please email your request at least one week in advance of your visit to [email protected].
See the Education tab of this website for further information.
How do I find financial information on the Foundation?
The Foundation is a public charity and files annual reports with the Charitable Trust Bureau of the Illinois Attorney General’s Office and tax filings with the State and Federal Government (IRS) all of which are available for public viewing on their respective websites.
Is my donation tax deductible?
The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization so donations are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax advisor.
How do I give?
The Foundation welcomes one-time or recurring donations, bequests and grants. Click here for credit card donations.
The Foundation may accept non-cash donations of real property, securities, tangible personal property, works of art and collectibles.
Donation of Appreciated Stock
The Foundation has established an account to accept contributions of “appreciated stock”. Donors considering a current year tax deductible charitable contribution to the Foundation and are also facing long-term capital gains taxes on appreciated stock can realize a much more favorable tax result and charitable impact by making a donation of appreciated stock directly to the Foundation's account. Individual circumstances vary and donors interested in donating appreciated stock should consult with their tax advisor about their particular situation. Donors interested in making a donation of appreciated stock can contact [email protected] for further details.
Qualified Charitable Distribution
A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) allows individuals 70 ½ or older to give directly from their IRAs rather than having to take a distributions that would trigger an income-tax bill. Like a donation of appreciated stock, a properly structured QCD allows donors to realize a much more favorable tax result and charitable impact. Because a QCD reduces income and is not an itemized deduction, it even benefits investors who do not itemize. Again, individual circumstances vary and donors should consult their tax advisor.
Cash contributions may be made by mail to:
OFCC Historic Landmark Foundation
c/o Olympia Fields Country Club
2800 Country Club Drive
Olympia Fields, IL 60461
Click here for credit card donations.
Non-cash contributions can be coordinated by contacting the Foundation at [email protected].
The Foundation may accept non-cash donations of real property, securities, tangible personal property, works of art and collectibles.
Donation of Appreciated Stock
The Foundation has established an account to accept contributions of “appreciated stock”. Donors considering a current year tax deductible charitable contribution to the Foundation and are also facing long-term capital gains taxes on appreciated stock can realize a much more favorable tax result and charitable impact by making a donation of appreciated stock directly to the Foundation's account. Individual circumstances vary and donors interested in donating appreciated stock should consult with their tax advisor about their particular situation. Donors interested in making a donation of appreciated stock can contact [email protected] for further details.
Qualified Charitable Distribution
A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) allows individuals 70 ½ or older to give directly from their IRAs rather than having to take a distributions that would trigger an income-tax bill. Like a donation of appreciated stock, a properly structured QCD allows donors to realize a much more favorable tax result and charitable impact. Because a QCD reduces income and is not an itemized deduction, it even benefits investors who do not itemize. Again, individual circumstances vary and donors should consult their tax advisor.
Cash contributions may be made by mail to:
OFCC Historic Landmark Foundation
c/o Olympia Fields Country Club
2800 Country Club Drive
Olympia Fields, IL 60461
Click here for credit card donations.
Non-cash contributions can be coordinated by contacting the Foundation at [email protected].